Friday, January 25, 2008

Gov. Blunt announces on anniversary of Roe that he will not seek re-election

On Tuesday, Governor Blunt announced that he would not be running for re-election. While this was interesting and welcome news on the day pro-choice advocates celebrated the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, we do not share in his delight at his ‘mission accomplished’ where healthcare is concerned. Under his watch, and with his support, Governor Blunt has:

  • Refused to fund the successful state Family Planning Program that provided services to 30,000 women;

  • Eliminated 19-year contracts with Planned Parenthood health centers in Springfield and Joplin for breast and cervical cancer screening services;

  • Cut healthcare for more than 100,000 Missourians—many of them women and children;

  • Promoted ineffective and harmful abstinence-only education for public school students, denying teens information about contraception;

  • Supported protecting pharmacists who deny women birth control;

  • Diverted thousands of taxpayer dollars to crisis pregnancy centers that mislead women, lie about birth control, and use scare tactics regarding abortion;

  • Continued to increase funding to the Alternatives to Abortion program that explicitly may not fund family planning services—the very best ‘alternative to abortion’ services;

  • Established a sham task force to study abortion made up entirely of individuals who are 100% opposed to both abortion and contraception.

In three short years, Matt Blunt has undone years of hard won improvements to women’s health and set back the healthcare of hundreds of thousands of Missourians. But this was not done single-handedly. And, while we are pleased he will no longer be in a position to endanger women and teens, the legislative leadership that helped achieve these goals remains in place. We sincerely hope this leadership will now choose to value prevention and wellness and join with us to Put Prevention First.

Alison Gee is the Vice President of Public Policy for Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region


Unknown said...

I hate to be the one to say it but he's probably gearing up to run for congress like his daddy.

People are tired of this kind of person and the republican party is going down with them.

Anonymous said...

It may be possible that Blunt will run against Claire McCaskill for US Senate. The GOP really wants to win back majority of the Senate. He will be heavily financed and the fight will be dirty. Many progressive Democrats don't care for McCaskill for a number of reasons.

Anonymous said...

Matt Blunt sees the handwriting on the wall; he knows the vast majority of people are royally POed with him, and he and his Republican cohort are going to lose--BIG--in the coming election.

He probably believes he has "accomplished" what he and his wealthy friends have wanted done--it's not just POOR women's and children's health care he's trashed, it's also health care and services to help disabled people get out of the poverty hole, and anything that might help middle class people (particularly intelligent middle-class people). And now he reasons he should take his show on the road and trash people outside of Missouri, too.

The race hatred he and his buddies harbor toward people who are not "the RIGHT race/gender/age/sexual orientation/socioeconomic status" and "able-bodied" has unfortunately caused them to make decisions that adversely affect ALL people who are poor and even middle class, REGARDLESS of race/etc.

Odd way to gain "equality," huh?