Thursday, February 7, 2008

What We've Done.

Governor Blunt claims he wants to help and protect Missourians. He says that everything he does is ‘for Missourians’. Problem is, there’s a world of difference between what Governor Blunt thinks that we want to hear and what we are demanding to know. In Missouri, political rhetoric constantly trumps women’s healthcare and thousands of Missouri students sit in classrooms where sex ed lessons are medically, factually inaccurate - something Blunt considers a "mission accomplished". Our Governor has failed. In a state that encompasses cities with some of the highest STI rates in the country, Governor Blunt traded his sense of ‘protecting Missourians’ long ago in order to gain political clout with his group of hardline fans. Unfortunately, regular Missourians don’t feel so 'protected.'

Governor Blunt just announced he is not running for re-election. Just as well ... Missouri voters, like you, understand that votes matter and have already told us that you strongly support state funds for family planning (69%*), that you believe pharmacies should dispense birth control without discrimination or delay (65%*), that you believe sex education should be comprehensive (76%*), and that the government should not step between a patient and her doctor (63%*). Not what Governor Blunt wants to hear. But, together, we say "enough is enough to failed policies and failed politicians." [*statewide poll conducted September 2007]

This legislative session, we need your help to keep pushing forward. In Jefferson City, there have already been seven bills introduced that restrict Missourians' access to Planned Parenthood programs and services. Then there's the
shadowy Task Force - the sham group Governor Blunt created that could - any day now - release unscientific and unhelpful 'results.'

Let your friends know about the REAL Task Force to Protect Women’s Health and Lives. Let them know that we are the informed majority and that this Session, we are showing our power in the Capitol through activists and supporters across this state.

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