"The "Party" has taken over all aspects of life... Winston is painfully aware of the telescreen, which is both a receiver and transmitter at the same time. It incessantly relays messages from the Party and simultaneously allows the dreaded "thought police" to tune into the activities of any individual at any given time." www.online-literature.com/orwell/1984The most recent claims to reproductive fame by Rep. Therese Sander was handling the
abominable sex mis-education/abortion restriction bill last year. She was also the sole sponsor of a bill that would have ascribed a 'conscience' to corporations, employers, and insurance companies allowing them to deny health services to patients based upon personal beliefs and ideological values. Among the many terrible bills with Rep. Sander's name are:
- a bill that would protect denying pharmacists;
- a bill that would require parental consent for birth control for teens; and
- a bill establishing an 'alternatives to abortion' program that categorically cannot provide family planning services (the best 'alternative to abortion').
But her piece de resistance - filed this year - is a bill that would require doctors who perform abortions to ask women why they are seeking an abortion, then report that information to the state government!
It is filed as HB1984; could that be intentional, or is it some kind of Orwellian slip?
1984...hmmm, makes a girl think back to high school and learning the definition of dystopia.
Can you spell 'Big Brother'?
Alison Gee is the Vice President of Public Policy at Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region
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